Remember the Night (1940)


I tend to spend the better part of the month leading up to Christmas, getting myself excited about it by watching as many holiday movies as I can. This year, I didn’t have much time to spend watching my favorites because I was moving, and working full time, and making sure we’re all set for our upcoming shop launch (!!!), so, when I got to my parents house last night, I was happier than ever to sit on their couch and drink wine and watch movies that make me feel festive!

Most of my favorite old movies are Barbra Stanwyck movies, but that happens to be extra true around this time of year. Last night, my parents and I watched Christmas in Connecticut, which is way at the top of my list, but I’m saving my all time favorite for tonight.



Remember the Night is a perfect example of what I love about Barbra; she’s scamp-y and mischievous and an all around trouble-maker, and I love it. Her character, in this movie, gets caught shop lifting, and her prosecutor feels so bad for her being in prison on Christmas that he posts her bail and takes her to his Mother’s place for the holidays. The movie has just the right amount of holiday season sentimentality, but really the best part is watching Stanwyck get up to her tricks.



She happens to be TCM’s star of the month this month, which means they’ve been playing a ton of her movies! (I realize the month of December is almost over….I’m a little late on posting this). 

Posted by Meaghan

2 thoughts on “Remember the Night (1940)

  1. Rhiannon says:

    This is my favorite too! Watched it last night and it made me miss my family and the Midwest so much. (we’re at the in-laws this year). I always forget how good it is–Fred M. is so funny (the script!!!) and Barbara is so good like you said. Feisty and tough like she was in the pre-codes, but softened up. And the sentimental stuff makes me almost cry. I’ll take it any day over Christmas in Connecticut (though I like it too!). 🙂

    Merry Christmas, you guys! Can’t wait to see the shop’s grand opening.


    • LarkspurShoppe says:

      Aww Rhiannon! Thank you so much for being so supportive!!!
      I am dreading the day that I have to start spending some Christmases apart from my family (although Drew’s family must be wonderful too!).
      I hope you had an amazing Christmas – and at New Years I’ll be watching I’ll Be Seeing You – a favorite from the past few years – and one YOU recommended!


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