A New Year

Processed with VSCOcam with n3 presetHappy New Year dear friends! So I’m a bit irked right now…I had written a whole post talking about some good and bad things that happened in 2014, but my computer malfunctioned and the whole thing got deleted, which has never happened before (!!!), so I guess it was a sign. Maybe those words were not mean’t to be seen…maybe all those things were mean’t so stay with 2014, in the past. I guess all I will say is that I’m glad to see 2014 go. It was not the best year of my life. I saw tragedy and illness and lost something very dear to me…the sort of things that would understandably make you feel like the year was kind-of a bummer. But, there was quite a lot of good too and I have this blog to thank for that, so I shouldn’t give 2014 such a bad rap. This little corner of the internet has opened many doors for me that would have never happened 2 years (it’s been that long!?) ago. Even without the successes I’ve had with and because of this space, I’d still continue blogging because it has given me things I value tremendously. I’m very thankful for this space, and for those of you who have been here from the start, and those of you that are new here. In this new year I’d love to get to know some of you guys. I know I follow a ton of bloggers and never comment…just sort of a silent reader. But if you felt so inclined, it would be cool if you commented and let me know who you are, or told me a little bit about yourself, or even just a simple hello…anything really. I’m quite excited to see what this new year has in store and I hope you guys will be here to share and follow along.

Processed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with n3 presetDress: H&M (old)

19 thoughts on “A New Year

  1. Karen says:

    This is such an amazing post! It should be on one of those indie magazines like Frankie or Peppermint! I know how annoying it is to lose a post but thank you for soldiering on and creating one again!
    I hope you’re enjoying the new year and may 2015 be super prosperous for you and your blog!
    Much Love,


    • Larkspur Vintage says:

      Oh my goodness!! Thank you! Thats such a huge compliment!! Yes, it definitely was disappointing to lose everything i wrote, but i got over it pretty quickly haha. I hope you have a wonderful 2015! Thanks for reading


  2. Sarah Brevick says:

    Lovely blogpost as always Alexandra! You’re such a unique person with a timeless style and personality. Back when I still was writing on blogger I had several blogs I compulsively clicked the “follow” button on, but never really read their posts or paid much attention. After deleting my blog to integrate into my website and find my true voice, yours was the only one that stuck with me! I like that you not only talk about fashion but other random things in history or your life that inspire you. Two thumbs up! I am a fashion / beauty photographer and would love to shoot with you any day! I keep up most on my website http://www.sarah-brevick.com and my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-Brevick-Photography/512387108790146. Happy 2015 to you and may many happy things be in store for you!! ❤


    • Larkspur Vintage says:

      Wow! Thank you so much! Thats so nice to hear 🙂 im glad you enjoy the thing i write about. I really do try to keep this space as real as possible, and fashion is not the only thing i care about, so i like writing about all kinds of topics. I checked out your work. Its so beautiful! I would love to work with you! Ill send you a message soon 🙂 happy new year!! And thanks again for all your kind words!


  3. thestylecoordi says:

    I love the quality of your photos and how the blue and yellow really complement each other.



  4. Marissa says:

    Hi girl! Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your unique and honest voice. It’s refreshing to see a girl just break it down and tell you what’s really going on, regardless of whether it fits into to her blog persona.

    Also, and please take this in a super positive way, I love that your style is beautiful but potentially attainable for us little people. Very inspiring and definitely pushes me in ways Pinterest and many other bloggers might not. And your hair is my goal hair (Working on it!).


    • Larkspur Vintage says:

      Hi Marissa! Wow! Thanks so much for commenting. Im really happy to hear you enjoy my honesty. Thats very important to me – to keep this space as real as possible. I cannot stand when bloggers act as if their lives are perfect and share nothing personal with their readers, so its quite important to me to be as real as I can. Afterall, im just a regular person like anyone else. And im so glad you feel my style is attainable, because it absolutely is! I would never take that comment in a negative way :). And thank you for the hair comment! It is also attainable, just keep growing and growing it :).


  5. Katie says:

    Such cute photos and you have some seriously enviable hair! Also, I’m loving that tiny fluffball behind you. I also have a tiny fluffball and she doesn’t give a shit about anything.


    • Larkspur Vintage says:

      Thanks so much dear! That little fluffball is Gus. Hes pretty well always in my photos when i shoot indoors because hes so attached to me. What kind of fluffball do you have?! Gus also doesnt give a shit about anything haha


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